Thursday, June 28, 2007

Keep Out!

This is the wave that Surfline paid the town of Barra de la Cruz in Southern Mexico $20,000 to hold their own private wave party for 5 days. If you aren't invited you aren't allowed to surf the wave...and you weren't invited unless you are a surf VIP or a selected local...unsure of the exact invite parameters...

There's a whole slew of opinions on this and the list of sponsors, advocates and critics is large...and I presume will continue to grow...

Surfline, Surfer Mag forum, Niceness, 70 Percent all present and provide commentary...

*Update...the Surfer Mag forum thread was deleted...of course, the content has been reposted and I updated the link. ~doc

It all seems pretty lame and unsavory to me...I'm surprised that some people are involved with an event that smacks of such exclusion and is seemingly self-serving despite the $20k Surfline, Quiksilver and friends were able to pony up between them...generous.


Gazelle said...

It's hard to know exactly the intent, impact, and details from all the hoopla - but this could be shady and the donation could be or should be larger. But surfing has turned into a big money activity and there's nothing that's going to reverse that. And what's the difference between this event & contests? Contests close great breaks to the public and there is typically no donation to local communities.

Unknown said...

Pay to play, otherwise stay away! NAFTRA strikes again...

Slim said...

Yeah, it's really crummy the way this event was planned and how it's panning out with the local crowd's treatment.

Gazelle said...

I forgot to mention how pissed off I'd be if I trekked down to that break and it was 'closed.'

Gaz said...

It's so low on so many levels..... if there is somebody I know amongst them I just would feel "slimed" in their prescence, honestly that's the way I feel about it.

It's dirty and unashamedly naked greed. It reminds me of the comment some years ago by the pro who felt "we" the general surfing plebes should leave the water while he surfed, because we were a distraction to his career! Naked arrogance....

stiv said...

Am I not getting something here? Not that I'm trying to defend surfline or something, but contests shut down local breaks all the time--- and what about the 20k? Is it proven that it's not going to a clinic and instead lining some corrupt official's pocket?

I mean, why is okay to have Pipe Masters and not this? Or the Kiwanda Classic for that matter?

Is all this angst coming from the three surfer chicks?

I don't get it.

Wave Farmer said...

It's different than a contest in many ways...contests, in fact, depend upon the attendance of the very individuals this event is excluding...

I'm sure there's a ton of misinformation out there on this (this is the internet)...however, how arrogant do they have to be to think they can privatize a public beach and exclude (by force it appears) people that haven't signed on?

It has nothing to do with has to do with arrogance, privelege, profit and exclusion among other things...

I guess if you're down with's a pretty cool event.

Initially I heard Surfrider gave it their blessing...which was pretty surprising considering their protect access to beaches and surf for ALL people...

Then I heard that there were no Surfrider attendees despite invite...pretty smart on their part...and I understand they can't publically criticize but they certainly shouldn't support either.

stiv said...

okay. I done read up on it. Yeah, it's lame for sure... my comment before Doc was out of ignorance, not judgement (I just didn't know what it was all about).