Friday, October 10, 2008

Under the Knife

Got the diagnosis today...
Got the Exostosis...
Earned it really...
90% blockage in the left ear...
80% blockage in the right...
40+ years of surfing...
About 20 of it Surf In Oregon...
Time to chip away bone...
And open up my good ear...
I already couldn't hear outta the right...
So I'm leaving that one alone...
Looks like the best case scenario is...
Out of the water 2 weeks or so...
Hopefully It'll be shitty...
But I have a feeling...
It'll be epic.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're out of the water for abit. Hope its no time before your back!

Thom said...

Sorry to hear you're out of the water for abit. Hope its no time before your back!

Wet and Cold said...

Of course no pun intended there, right thom?

Gaz said...

Damn Doc! I mean that doctor....

Anonymous said...

2 Weeks isn't bad....seems like I remember hearing that procedure pulling you out of the water for more like 6 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Bummer man! If you need any of your baords waxed, I'd be happy to take them to the beach for you. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Smart ploy Anon...
I never trust people I know with my surfboards.

Unknown said...

I'm in a similar position, I've no hearing loss but if I get water in my right ear it just doesn't come out and I end up getting an infection.
I've been using blu-tack in my ears for the last year and a bit and I've had no problems at all with my ears. I said it to my ENT guy and he said to just carry on with that, no need to get surgery unless you absolutely have to.

BTW, he was talking about surgery where they cut behind your ear and drill the bone away. there's a two month recovery period for this procedure.

It sounds like you're getting the new procedure done where they chip away at the bone via the canal, so in and out in a day and back in the water in a couple of weeks. Is that what you're getting done?

I don't think there's anyone over here (Ireland) that is doing it? I'll probably wait until it's more commonplace over here to get it done.

Front Rock Review said...

5Good luck Doc. Best place an order with the other Doc and get some plugs when you get back in the water...

Anonymous said...

You need to take up something sane like fishing. about the worse you can expect from that is a bad case of casters thumb or a barbed treble hook through the retina.

Plus you can shoot sharks from a boat instead of getting eaten by them off of a floating Triscuit.

Anonymous said...

floating triscuit - good one!