Wednesday, May 20, 2009

8 Million Pound Shark

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living...
By English artist Damien Hirst...
A tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde...
Poor preservation techniques required...
Gutting the shark & stretched it over a fiberglass mold...
Hirst commented that, "It didn’t look as frightening...
Continued eterioration of the original 14-foot shark...
Forced full shark replacement in 2006...
Hirst wanted a shark "big enough to eat you"...
And it cost him 6,000 pounds to obtain...
Another shark was caught off Queensland...
A female age about 25–30 years, equivalent to middle age...
Additional preservation & presentation costs...
Prompted British Tabloid The Sun story titled...
"£50,000 for fish without chips"...
The work sold in 2004 for 8 million pounds...
With technical specifications of:
"Tiger shark, glass, steel, 5% formaldehyde solution, 213 x 518 x 213 cm."

Hirst has made other formaldehyde preserved sharks...
In September 2008, "The Kingdom", another tiger shark...
Sold at auction for 9.6 million pounds...
More than £3 million above estimate...
In a speech at the British Royal Academy in 2004...
Art critic Robert Hughes said that brush marks...
In the lace collar of a painting by Velázquez...
Could be more radical than Hirst's shark...
"Murkily disintegrating in its tank on the other side of the Thames"...
Others offered that anyone could have done this artwork...
Hirst's response "But you didn't, did you?"...
In 2003, Stuckism International Gallery exhibited a shark under the title...
A Dead Shark Isn't Art...
It had been on public display two years before Hirst's version...
By Eddie Saunders at JD Electrical Supplies in Shoreditch...
Stuckists asked, "If Hirst’s shark is recognised as great art...
Then how come Eddie’s...
Which was on exhibition for two years beforehand, isn’t?
Do we perhaps have here an undiscovered artist of genius...
Who got there first, or is it that a dead shark isn’t art at all?"
The Stuckists suggested that Hirst may have...
Gotten the idea for his work from Saunders' shop display...
Hirst's work is on display at MOMA in New York until 2010.


Maggie said...
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Maggie said...

Cool...I really like Damien's work.
I wrote a paper on him in my installation class in college.
His work is beautifully eerie.

Nash said...

Another animal trophy celebrated by detached wealthy *ssholes and the ocean loses more of its residents...8 million pound shark = suck deluxe.

doc said...

Wealthy a-holes probably contribute less to depopulation of sharks than fisherman taking them for fins...
But that's besides the points.

Nash said...

Doesn't make them any less a-holeish...just means I have a problem with the fisherman too.

Anonymous said...

me again

doesn't this mean that Sea World should be able to sell all their whales for like $10 billion? I guess they would need to kill them first them encase them in acrylic and ship them to New York or London...

You would be the shit in the Hamptons if you had the only preservered Shamu, no?

Gaz said...

Many days of surf now, and not the crap people in less protected areas have to drive for..... When you headed down Doc?

Chum said...

Robert Hughes was the ultimate art hater.